Wrocławsko-Praskie Seminarium Biofizyki Lipidów

Laboratorium Biofizyki Agregatów Makrocząsteczkowych jest jednym ze współorganizatorów Wrocławsko-Praskiego Seminarium Biofizyki Lipidów, które odbędzie się w Ponadregionalnym Rolnicznym Centrum Kongresowym we Wrocławiu w dniach 7-10 października 2012 roku.
Prof. Martin Hof and prof. Marek Langner are organizing the 6th Wroclaw-Prague Seminar on Biophysics of Lipids. The Seminar is designed to be an informal forum for young scientists, at which they will have a chance to present and discuss their ongoing research. Senior researchers are invited to give a review lectures, designed to present a broad perspective of the field. The seminar will last for two and a half days from 7th of October to 10th of October. The Seminar will take place in the nice setting of Pawłowice Palace (10 km from centre of Wrocław). The location is easy accessible from Wrocław airport as well as train station by public transportation.